Thursday, April 19, 2007

Good News!

We got some great news last week. Helena did so well at the cardiologist appointment that the cardiologist said that she may not have to have a third shunt surgery.

A few months ago he said that she would probably outgrow the shunt they installed in December and need surgery this summer. But her oxygen levels were high (90s) and they were very impressed with all of her accomplishments (sitting, standing, energy level, color). The doctor said that her shunts may last until her next big surgery when she is at least 22 pounds. That would be so nice!

And the doctor said that we didn't even have to come for another check up until three months from now. Aaron and I got freaked out when he said that and so he said that we could come back in 2 months. We usually have appts every month and so this is a big deal. So, our summer is freed up for fun things and interviews. For now, no worries about this little monster. She is still in 90th percentile in height and 15th for weight at 33 weeks old. She also has sprouted 2 bottom teeth. She is chomping her way through life and working on crawling.