Thursday, April 03, 2008

Greetings from Minneapolis Children's Hospital. We have had a long day, but Helena came through her surgery with flying colors. Things went smoothly and there were no complications. We are most excited that she no longer has reddish-blue lips and blue fingertips and toes. She has the most lovely pink lips now! We had no idea that she was even blue before - she was just Helena.

Currently she is heavily sedated and she has a big dressing on her chest, two chest tubes, a central line, an artery line and other various equipment hooked up to her. But other than that, she is beautiful. She is also intubated, but that will be removed tomorrow or the next day.

Thanks for all your prayers and support. We have been feeling lifted up and supported throughout this experience. We will add pictures when Helena is not hooked up to so many machines.

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