Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Watch out world! Helena is now almost 9 months old and she started to crawl a few weeks ago. Now she is unstoppable - pulling herself up, climbing things, and getting into everything in our apartment.

In other news, Aaron and I graduated from the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago on Sunday, May 20th with Masters of Divinity. We are now hanging out in Chicago for the summer until Aaron finishes work at Christ Hospital. In the fall, we are moving back up to Minnesota to be co-pastors at a four-point church called Prairie Land Lutheran. We are so excited to start this new adventure.


Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

that is wonderful and exciting!
You all look soo cute!

My husband would love to be a pastor!!! He's a police officer right now... but ...
it's like a little dream of his!

Traveling Mercies said...

OMG is she wearing her leg warmers in that first picture?? hilarious! i know i see you all the time, but i just wanted to say that i am so thankful helena is doing so well. i will miss you all next year!!! :(

Unknown said...

Congratulations for formation!
Is wonderful!

Helena is very beautiful!!
Her dress is beautiful!

Missed you 9saudadesss, saudadesss)